Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Blazing the Trail (Dragon Diaries #3) by Deborah Cooke


I absolutely loved this book to bits. Dragon Diaries has to be one of my favourite series of all time.

Blazing the Trail is teh 3rd book in the Dragon Diaries where Zoe's battle with the Mages ain't quite over with them still got a few tricks up their sleeves. Zoe has to try and keep herself and everyone intact and work with the other three races of shifters if they want to survive and if she wants Derek or Jared.

Zoe was great as usual and fun to read from. She is still struggling with her Wyvern powers without going insane. She also has some bad luck of trusting the wrong people. But she finds a way to figure all this out while trying to juggle high school and dodging the bloody school counselour: Muriel. God I hated that woman so much. Zoe does screw up a few times but like she has in other books learns from them and finds a way to solve it, not hesitating to confide in the Pyr and her friends. Her friends were actually very helpful and I swear she is one lucky dragon to have them.

There was a lot of action and fighting making me jumping up and down in anticipation, eagerly turning the pages to find out what happens next. She does choose one of the guys and doesn't try to drag it out, once she knew who she wanted she didn't dawdle and beat around the bush. She got straight to it.

Only disappontment for me was that this was the last book and I wish there was more Zoe adventures to come.

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