Sunday, 22 April 2012

The Legend of Korra E03 Review/Recap: The Revelation

So if you didn't know the third episode of The Legend of Korra episode aired in America on the 21st at 11:00 am.

This episode begins with Avatar Korra and her Fire Ferrets friends Mako and Bolin who are also brothers. They are training in preparation for their next Pro-bending match. They are soon told that they must come up with 30,000 Yuans by the next week or they are kicked out of the tournament. So Mako and Bolin try to find ways to come up with the money while Korra is doing her training for Airbending.

Mako uses his firebending skills to lightning bend at the powerplant to get some moeny while Bolin tries to get money off the streets by getting his pet fire ferret: Pabu to do tricks to earn some cash wher he is approached by one of the bending gangs who offers him a lot of cash to help them. Knowing how important it is to get the money Bolin accepts and heads off with him.

When Mako gets home he sees that Bolin is still not back so he heads out to see if he is with Korra but of course he isn't so along with Naga and later Pabu, Korra and Mako search the streets for Bolin where they are confronted by some equalists who know how to chi block after seeing them take Bolin and a bunch of other benders. The chi blockers end up taking away Korra and Mako's bending abilities temporarily before Naga and Pabu intervene to stop the Equalists from finishing them off.
The two continue their search all night before finding out that Amon is having a sort of secret meeting for non-benders called THE REVELATION.
Once they figured out where the meeting is they disguise themselves and head to the meeting.

They soon discover Amon's big secret that he can energybend and take away a person's bending permanantly. But makes it out to the non-benders that the spirits gave this power to him since the Avatar is now useless and causes destruction instead of peace and balance in the world. They witness him enerbybend all these gang members and when about to take Bolin's bending away Korra provides a distraction so Mako can grab Bolin. After a bit more fighting the three escape as Amon stops his minions so Korra can tell the city what is going on most likely so to get more followers and put the whole city in fear.

So I thought this was a good episode and let us learn more about Amon and the Equalists since we knew next to nothing about them before. We also learnt a little a bit about Mako and Bolin's past and what happened to their parents. We also see little bit of hints of Korra and Mako being a possible couple but not enough to be exactly sure. Although this was a very dark and serious episode it still had it's funny moments that still kept the episode still fun and enjoyable in a light-hearted way. I definitely cannot wait for the next episode and enjoying our new characters and in my opinion different from the first show but in a good way and we seem to have very good solid villian which will be interesting.

I feel this show could be great for anyone of all ages and people need to stop thinking it's a kid show because even though it is advertised as this it deals with some things a kid wouldn't completely understand and this is definitely much more mature than it's first series not to mention the main characters are much older.

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