Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Legend of Korra: First two episodes.

If you have being living in a cave lately then you all probably heard about The Legend of Korra, the new spin off series to Avatar: The Last Airbender.

If you still don't know what I am talking about then you are missing out on some great shit. I will give you a quick rundown on what Avatar: The Last Airbender is. This series follows the story of an airbender named Aand who has being trapped in an iceberg for a 100 years where he is found by siblings Katara and Sokka. Soon after we find out Aang is the Avatar, the only person in the world who can bend all four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. He can also journey to the spirit world and is his job to keep peace and balance in the world of the four element nations. Aang's job is to stop the Fire Nation from taking power and controlling the other elements while still learning to bend Water, Earth and Fire. Pretty difficult espeacially when every Fire Nation person is pursuing to catch him.

Why don't they kill him? Well you see the Avatar when they die they're reincarnated into the next element nation, the cycle being Water, Earth, Fire and Air. So if Aang died his next reincarnation would be from the water tribe. Which brings us to The Legend of Korra.

The Legend of Korra is set 70 years after A:TLA where we follow the story of the Avatar after Aang which is Korra. She is from the Southern Water Tribe like Katara and Sokka and even from a young age she could bend Water, Earth and Fire. Korra goes to Republic City, a place where people from all nations live together. There is where she is learning the element air from Aang's son: Tenzin. While Korra is doing that she must stop a group of non-benders known as the Equalists who want to get rid of benders which are led by a masked guy named Amon.

If you haven't seen A:TLA I suggest you go watch it now, it is only 3 seasons long and is one of the most amazing shows I have ever watched. It has strong characters both male and female with a great mix of action, humor and of course romance. Also don't read what I am writing below because I am discussing about the first two TLOK episodes released and I wouldn't like to spoil you if you wish not to.


I honestly am loving Korra as the new Avatar, she is very much the opposite of Aang. She is strong, funny and beautiful. It pissed me off when some people said she looked like a man just because she is muscled and really curvy. Reality check people not all girls are tiny and petite with no muscle on their body. I wish I had Korra's body (I know it sounds creepy but she just looks so healthy and strong and not mention tall which I always wished I was.).
It's also nice to see an Avatar who loves being the Avatar unlike Aang and Roku. It is also great how much detail Bryke went into this new world and that it has grown and evolved and resembles the 1930's/1940's. There are cars, electricty to name a few which were absent from the other series.

All the characters have their own distinctive personalities and to me don't seem like cut outs of previous characters. We see Korra struggles with airbending and the spiritual stuff that comes with being the Avatar, she gets more hot-headed than Aang and definitely more rebellious which I love since all crazy antics she gets into from her impulsive behaviour (like getting arrested xD). Tenzin is a lovely blend of both his parents and I just love every scene with him whether he is with Korra, his kids or other characters. On the subject of his kids, they absolutely hilarious and kind of remind me of me and my siblings when we were their age. Korra and Lin Bei Fong's instant rivalry is going to be great in the future since we know Korra is going to do more things to piss her off. I also loved the homeless guy in the bush, he was entertaining for the mere seconds he was on screen. Also I want a polar bear dog like Naga, she is just adorable.

I loved the whole idea of Pro-bending battles and just wish everyone could bend so we could have games like these. Bolin was absolutely hilarious (so were his crazy fangirls), I can definitely see him and Korra as best friends. Mako was also great, a lot of people think him and Zuko are very alike. I see some small traits but they're distinctly different. Of course Mako and Korra aren't going to get along at first but I definitely see a lot of Makorra hints espeacially the ending scene.

Amon and the Equalists I can't really talk about since there is barely anything with them in it apart from a bit in the first episode.

But overall I love the show so far and can't wait to watch them in April and you all should check out both shows. So go off my blog and literally go watch it now otherwise I will come to your house and force you to watch it.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Hunger Games Movie

So I saw The Hunger Games Movie at Midnight today. What I thought of it? It was good but honestly it wasn't great, and it could have been a lot better than it was.

When saying this to my mates who I saw it with thought I was just comparing it to the book and that I can't expect it to be better than the book. Well first off no shit, of course it isn't going to be better than the book that is impossible to happen.

Only one of my friends agreed with me and she is a bigger Hunger Games fan than I am. Some of the things that bugged me were the following:

Gale "Remember I..." line - One of the biggest plots of these series is the love triangle between Katniss, Gale and Peeta. But they made barely any evidence of Gale's feelings for Katniss. (Only 5 second images of him watching her kiss Peeta which I think doesn't show it.) They even cut out right at the beginning Gale trying to tell Katniss that he loves her but it was completely cut out. How hard is it for him to say two words in a freaking movie? I don't think it is going to harm the time limit the movie has.

Rue's Death - It was pretty well done and I honestly teared up a bit when she died in Katniss' arms but this one small thing bugged me, which was that the spear wasn't left in her stomach and was pulled out straight away. First thing when a spear goes into you like it did in Rue it is near impossible to get out of her stomach and she would of have died much quicker and basically instantly than she did in the movie. Also the whole point of her having the spear protuding out of her stomach after Katniss had put the flowers around her was to show that this beautiful, innocent, young girl was killed brutally for some stupid game for the Capitols entertainment. But instead the spear was taken out and her wound was covered which irritated me.

Censoring of the deaths - There was blood and gory scene if you can call it that but it was nothing compared to what the books described it. The movie could of easily beaten the book in these scenes since the images are put there in your face instead of imagining it yourself. Cato's death I could barely see because it was so freaking dark. This whole story is based around these children being forced to literally become monsters and do these violent and grotesque things to each other for entertainment. But I guess all the movie makers want it to be a low rating so younger people to watch it since the world is about money. Don't make a movie like this if you are not going to do it freaking properly.

Seneca Crane's Death - Seneca's death was meant to be a brutal murder as punishment of his stuffing up of The Hunger Games. Instead Seneca is put in a room with a bowl berries. Seriously WTF?

Katniss and Peeta Unrequited Love - It is not made clear that what Katniss said and did in the games with Peeta were just to entertain the sponsors and him being heartbroken over this revelation. Also that she found out Peeta didn't do it for sponsors and actually liked her (if you can call watching a girl walk home everyday not creepy). Instead people who haven't read the book could be led to believe they liked each other and not unrequited, which is another important detail of the love triangle.

Well these were just a few I can think of from the top of my head but there are probably more that annoyed me. Anyway I am not saying I hated it, just that it was pretty mediocre and left out certain points that could have easily being put into the movie without causing too much hassle.